What's the point in worrying about dots?

20 Dec 2017
Dots per inch isn't a measure of the resolution of a digital image, so why do people treat it as though it is, writing it into job specifications for digital images? click to load the rest of this article...
Don't ask me what camera to buy

4 May 2017
A common occurrence in my life is telling someone that I'm a professional photographer and then being asked for advice on what camera they should buy, or being expected to give my opinion on the camera they own. I'll let you in on a little secret, I have no idea how to answer those kinds of question because I have no idea what different models of camera are. click to load the rest of this article...
Keeping and shooting houseplants

4 Apr 2017
I live in a city centre flat and while I don't have a garden, I do like to bring some of nature indoors. I don't have any pets either so it's a great way to have something living in the room with you. As well as adding a bit of life, houseplants can actually improve the air quality and even provide you with ingredients for your kitchen. They also make wonderful subjects for photographers and I'll certainly touch on that. click to load the rest of this article...
Save time in Lightroom with Keyword Hierarchies

27 Mar 2017
Lightroom has a powerful but underused feature called keyword hierarchy. Making full use of this as well as some other keywording tools I'll go over can really take a lot of the tedium out of getting all your photographs nicely and usefully keyworded, making them easier to find in future and more commercially usable. click to load the rest of this article...
Take environmental portraits like a pro

14 Mar 2017
In commercial photography there is more of a demand for portraits to show people in their working environment, or in a recognisably local setting, so the vast majority of the portraits I take are out on location. This is not just a commercial thing either as the same will be true I imagine of most photographers without access to a studio and I wanted to share a bit of technique (aimed towards those who already have a decent understanding of photography) to getting a professional look when taking environmental portraits. click to load the rest of this article...
Obvious Click-bait Post About Landscape Photography and the Lake District

16 Jul 2015
I happen to live in the midst of one of the most visited and photographed landscapes in the whole of the UK. It's just where I was born and brought up, it's not like I moved here for the landscape; yet the look on people's faces when I tell them I'm not a landscape photographer. click to load the rest of this article...

Articles about photography, tips and tricks, insights into the world of commercial photography and the marketing industry from a photographer's perspective, and the occasional humorous rant. Brought to you by Will McAllister, a commercial photographer based in God's own county of Cumbria.